Ryan has been experimenting with music and has decided to choose a melodic piano set. Nothing has been made final, as we're still playing around with it to see what genre and piece of music will fit our title sequence well.
Ram suggested that we should create something like a nursery rhyme, similar to the title scene of "Elephant" (2004 Gus Van Sant) which uses a well known piano piece called "Moonlight" by Beethoven. (Video below) This will create a creepily calm feeling with all the chaos of the shooting still going on.
Another idea we had for sound was the use of a radio show. This would start when the alarm goes off in the first shot and would continue throughout the sequence. We had two main ideas for this: 1. Using a radio show that was just like the morning news, either with a happy news story to create irony or a news story about a similar event. 2. Recording our own news report about the shooting and using that on the sequence. If we were to do this we would have to use our own news report because we have to make our own sound and using a clip from a radio show would not count.
Labels: music editing elephant ram james ryan britney spears
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